My new Wine Certification

I just received my new wine certification–my WSET Level 2 Award in Wines

Well, I got the news this week that I passed my WSET Level 2 Award in Wines class. We took the class through Fine Vintage, here in Chicago, although they have classes throughout North America.

I haven’t received my score, diploma, or pin yet, but I do have the logo for it…see…

WSET Level 2 logo

It was a terrific experience, and even though we had to delay our third and final day (and test) by almost 2 months due to COVID, it was an experience I highly recommend to anyone with a fairly deep interest in wine.

The course is taught over 3 weekend days, one a full weekend, and, in theory, the next Sunday. You taste 46 or so wines during those 3 days, so that, in and of itself, is fun and worthwhile. But, even more importantly, you get to do a deeper dive into the process, science, business, and magic of wine.

It is an interesting idea that after tasting something like 16 different wines in a day, including several fortified ones right before the test, you will be coherent enough to take the test, but apparently I succeeded.

The class focuses on the major grape varieties, as well as some of the less well-known ones. It also focuses on the major wine producing regions, both old world and new.

Where I felt it offered me the most enjoyment was in the discussions of how wine making, with the same grapes, but with different techniques, different materials, and different terroirs, produce some very different wines. It helped me define why I prefer some Sauvignon Blancs to others, why I like some Chardonnays less that I like others. That makes recommending wines to people easier, once I understand what they like.

The course is perfect for people who like wine, people who want to sell wine, people who want to be sommeliers (although to be a good sommelier, you’d have to keep studying, and take other courses), or people who just like to learn about a really old product that has definitely kept up with the times.

Wine in Hendaye
Enjoying wine on a recent trip

My appreciation of wine began a number of years ago…with my friend Amy’s wine store. I used to help her with her wine tastings on Fridays (or special events), so had a learn enough to lead those tastings and help people buy suitable wines for their tastes or events. That started me on a long path that eventually lead to this class.

My friend Cristina and I took the WSET Level 1 class a few years ago, and it is shorter, but a similar format.

I really appreciate the model for the classes, because its not all information, but the tasting, and anecdotes from the instructors are invaluable. They offer little experiments to see how foods change the taste of the wine, which certainly helps explain the food pairings you may want to try. For example, you taste a wine, then taste a lemon, and then immediately taste the wine again. Totally different wine. Same with salt. It really helps the brain process the information from the book.

This class we actually had a bottle with cork taint, a first for me. It was a shame in that it should have been a fabulous bottle, but it was good in that it taught all of us exactly what it smells like, and what it can do to a bottle of wine.

One more way to keep learning about the things that help make my life full.

What are you interested in learning?
