Campeche Malecon–delightful blend of old and new

Campeche sign
Campeche sign on the Campeche Malecon

Our first day in Campeche included a tour of the Campeche Malecon–literally a breakwater, but in reality, so much more. Like the malecons in many cities, it includes a walking path, a road, a seawall, and artistic and cultural monuments. Although there has been a barrier of some sort here for years, the current Malecon was opened in the early 2000s, and continues to get new installations.

Take the time to stroll along this gorgeous esplanade with the old city wall to one side and the ocean to the other. You’ll get a blend of Campeche history, Mayan culture, pirate legends, and contemporary flavor.

The Campeche Malecon has a number of sculptures memorializing the history of area. Here are a few of my favorites:

The Mayan Angel

The Angel Maya or Mayan Angel is a metal angel on top of a very tall plinth.

Mayan Angel
Angel Maya

Novia Del Mar

The Novia del Mar commemorates a campechana who fell in love with a pirate and sits by the seaside pining for his return.

Novia del Mar
Novia del Mar

Campeche sign

Like many Yucatan cities, Campeche has a sign ready for you and your selfies. I’m not big on selfies, so here it is with the Mayan Angel in the background.

Campeche sign
Campeche sign on the Campeche Malecon

The town also brought out a smaller version of the sign to the dock, for photo opportunities with our ship.

Campeche sign at the dock
Campeche sign with Ocean Voyager

Plaza Cuatro de Octubre (October 4 Plaza) commemorates the ‘founding’ of the city and represents a meeting of a Maya cacique (chief), the conquistador Francisco de Montejo and a priest.

October 14 Plaza
October 14 Plaza

There’s also a long mosaic mural along the Malecon commemorating the history of the town.

Campeche mural
Campeche mural

I cannot imagine a more beautiful spot to watch a sunrise or sunset than anywhere along the Malecon in Campeche. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants to choose from.

After sunset, there is a light and water show on the Malecon at a fairly new installation, which I’ve heard good things about, but did not get a chance to see. A reason to go back, perhaps!

See more highlights from our time in Campeche here!
