3 Reasons I’m Starting a Blog in 2021


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A motto worth living. It’s also the thought that made me finally pull the trigger on starting a blog, as well as the inspiration for what to call the blog.

So why now?

  • I’ve been thinking about it for a few years, and finally decided to just do it

Seriously, I’ve been researching blog writing and creating for at least 2 years. I’ve always wanted to write for pleasure (I write a ton for work as well). I even teach writing sometimes. My biggest worry was always whether anyone would read it. Then I decided I would never know if I didn’t put it out there somewhere. I also decided, maybe it doesn’t even matter, since the writing is part of the fun. So, here we go!!

  • I wanted a creative outlet to help get 2021 off to a good start after the difficulty of 2020

2020 was tough for almost everyone I know. The rapid transition to working from home. The loss of human interaction for people who live alone. The enforced non-stop interaction for those who have families all at home all the time now. The loss of loved ones. The loss of choices. The realization that we, in America, have not lived up to our ideals. The realization that a constant barrage of anger works its way into your very soul. I decided I needed to take a break from the negativity and become, as my friend Susan says, a force for positivity.

Then I had to figure out what to say, and what to call it, and where to host it, and ……. Enough about all the details. I decided to call it The Life in My Years as a riff on the famous quote that it’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years that ultimately matter. This quote resonates with me. Its often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, and often to Adlai Stevenson. Since I’ve lived in Illinois for my whole adult/working life, I’m comfortable with either one being the source. Since I can’t tell you how to live your life, I can tell you how I live mine, and hopefully there be will things of value, interest, and guidance in that.

  • Friends often comment that I have great stories to tell about my adventures that I should share

I love to travel, host cultural exchanges, cook, entertain, garden, make things, and spend time with people I love. Some of my posts will be about those things. Some of my posts will be about lessons I learn in my professional life. Some will just be about things that seem pertinent, poignant, or provocative.

Since I originally wrote and posted this, I’ve taken a couple of courses on blogging. One was called Blogging Blastoff 2.0. The coursework gave me added confidence in the possibilities, but, perhaps more importantly, gave me technical skills (which I’m still working on, I have to admit) about the stuff behind the posts. The second was called Blogging FastLane, and it got me focused on how to make my posts resonate with those who will become my ‘tribe’.

So, welcome to The Life in My Years. Enjoy the trip with me.

